Retirement is a matter of concern for almost anybody across the world. Once the inflow of income stops, the reserve funds always seem to run out faster than expected. And soon, people face a terrible financial situation where they are forced to compromise on a lifestyle that they have become accustomed to their whole lives. (more…)
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Budgeting Tips to Keep Your Finances Healthy
Consider if you will, the concept of a budget. It's one of those things that, like a diet or exercise regimen, is a good thing to follow, will do you a world of good, but is quite frankly a fun-murdering pain in the rear end. (more…)
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How to Save Money On Your College Degree
Whether you call it an expense or an investment, keeping your college costs under control is always a good idea. Here are a few things you can do to achieve this goal.
It's Never Too Early To Save
The first thing to remember is to start planning for the college years (your own or your child's) early. Even if your child is still in diapers, go ahead and think about how to pay for college when the time comes.
One of the best ways to do start saving for college is to invest in a 529 plan...
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Fiscal Fasting, Trimming Your Budget, and Other Creative Financial Tactics
Trying to manage your finances can be hard. Just figuring out a budget is difficult and then comes the hard part – sticking to it. Here are some actionable effective and creative tips to get your finances organized and start thinking about how your career path fits in with these goals.
To be creative, we usually have to step outside of our work-a-day world and look at our lives and those around us with a fresh perspective. When I set out to tackle my financial problems, like not being able t...
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Your Ideas Will Fail if You Don’t Emphasize Them
Many people out there in the world have great ideas about what could make quite a bit of money. Unfortunately, most of them put in a halfhearted effort in order to make their dreams come true. The result is absolute failure. It's difficult to be in the right place at the right time in order to have financial security dropped onto your lap without putting in the effort to make it happen. If you don't put in the work it takes to make the project become a success, then you've already failed before ...
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Get the Best Deals Selling Back Your Textbooks
Textbooks are a necessary expense that most students don't care for, and they can be hard to afford after you've shelled out all your money on tuition and room and board. Luckily, there are several ways to sell back last semester's textbooks and put a bit more cash back in your pocket. Although you most likely won't get full value for the textbook no matter where you sell it, follow these tips to help you get the best refund available.
Keep Them in Good Shape
The best thing you can do to p...
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Warning: 10 Questions to Ask Before Making a Mortgage Refinancing Decision
So you’ve been paying for your dream home and you know you have enough money to purchase it, but you’re also considering mortgage refinancing and you’re not sure where to start and how it goes. Well, first, you need to know what you’re dealing with.
Like in any other instance of financial decision-making, it is best to weigh the pros and cons first before taking the plunge, so to speak. One thing we’re all sure of is that you need to be certain that you don’t invest your life savings into a b...
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Ways to Get Credit with a Poor Credit Score
No one starts out thinking they will ever face credit ruin, but when debt becomes difficult to manage and too many late and missed payments are reported to the credit bureaus, credit scores take a dive. For some people a poor credit score is a result of irresponsible money management while for others it’s the result of an unexpected curve, as in a job loss or a medical emergency that wreaks havoc on their finances. The most challenging scenario for anyone needing credit is the devastation of ban...
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7 Places to Cut Corners with Your Household Budget
We all wish we could stretch our household budgets at least a little bit further. Unfortunately, for most of us, at first glance, it seems like every penny is already spoken for - sometimes by multiple expenses! It's so easy to get bummed out and think that the only way to make our money go further is to win the lottery or for some monetary miracle to drop into our laps.
Here's the truth: There are ways to stretch your budget. There are ways to pay down your debt and pay in to your savings a...
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Baby Goods: What Can You Buy Used?
Babies are great. They're cute, they represent the infinite possibilities of humanity, and they give us our only and best chance at immortality. They're also expensive. Really, really, expensive. Like cash your paycheck, take the pile of money, set two-thirds of it on fire, and use the rest to dry your tears expensive.
Saving money is always great, but unless you're independently wealthy, the benefits of frugality take on a whole new meaning after you and your other decide to duplicate yours...
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