When there's an illness or unexpected injury to a loved one, the last thing you want to think about is money. Once the illness or injury is diagnosed and treated, the cost will undoubtedly need to be addressed. Carrying enough insurance will substantially alleviate your problem, but if the situation is long term, you don't have insurance, or your deductible is high, those bills could quickly pile up. When that happens, you may need some tips on how to go about paying those outstanding medical bi...
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Taking Control of Your Financial Life: Six Common Bad Habits That Are Costing You Money
In today’s unsure economy, most of us have made significant changes to the way we view money, spending, and our financial future. We’ve switched from name brand to generic, clipped coupons, and shopped for sales. Most of us feel pretty good about the changes we’ve made. Unfortunately, in spite of those changes, many of us have also developed some costly bad habits. Here, I am not talking about bad habits you can put a price on, like smoking or eating out too much (that’s another story); I’m t...
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Beating the High Cost of College
Trying to figure out how to pay for college is enough to stress out almost any parent with young kids. The good news is that if you take advantage of tax breaks, start saving early, and get creative with college credits, you can have plenty of money for your children to take advantage of a higher education, and gain a degree that ideally helps to prepare them for the workforce.
One of the easiest ways to save for your child’s college education is by investing in a 529 plan. These plans all...
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4 Financial Tips From Successful Entrepreneurs That Will Guide You To Great Financial Decisions
When you think about your finances, chances are you aren’t thinking happy thoughts. Finances can be a great source of stress, cause headaches, cause turmoil between loved ones, and on and on. But they don’t have to cause those types of issues. Handled correctly and carefully, your financial woes can be a thing of the past, once and for all.
Entrepreneurs are known for acting their way to success rather than thinking about the issue over and over again, which is what many of us get caught in....
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5 Lessons About Managing Money I Learned From An 8-Year Old
When you're young, life is so much easier, isn't it? Sure, you have to deal with parents, and your friends can change from day to day.
But each day is its own day. Most problems don't carry over to the next day. You don't have to worry about the future. Because today is more important.
There are lots of lessons we can learn from kids.
Some of them are easy to incorporate into our adult live. And some of them aren't. But we can still learn a lot by watching children, whether they are our...
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Currency Trading Tips
The value of a currency is dependent on the demand for currency. Different countries have different currencies and for the purpose of trading goods and services, it is necessary to have currency of that particular country. Traders make use of these forex strategies with aim to make profits. Trading of currency is usually carried out in pairs and the rate at which they are exchanged is termed as currency exchange rate. Currencies are traded 24/7 and this makes it very volatile.
There are two dif...
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Money Leaks: Slow Ways to Become Broke
There are of course huge ways to waste money, but then there are small wastes, which are referred to as leaks. Sometimes the leaks are so small, you may not even notice them, but they do add up and can end up being a huge chunk of money that could be better spent somewhere else. In this post, I am going to highlight some leaky ways you could be leaking money without you realizing it.
Clunkers: Not only is buying a brand new way too expensive car a huge waste of money, but on the other hand, ...
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Tips To Save Money
In this struggling economy, every cent counts, and it is important to be able to effectively save your money. Though necessities and select luxuries will always take away from your total saved, there are certain ways to ensure that after all the purchases are made, you still have a growing bank account available for your usage.
One of the most effective tips to save money that anyone can offer is to create a consistent money-saving plan for every paycheck you receive. Even shopping for the best...
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What to Watch Out For in Home Equity Loans
Most people don’t realize that their homes can actually be a means to financial gain. There is equity in your home and you can use this equity to take the cash value from your home when you need it. Simply put, it’s just like borrowing money from your home, which you can repay over an agreed period of time, and at a certain interest rate.
Especially in economic crisis, a homeowner can make use of home equity loans to borrow a huge amount of money. This is often only used for major financ...
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Ways To Consolidate Your Debt
Almost every individual in this world has one or anther form of debt on his/her name. While some are successful in paying off this debt, others find it really hard either due to their circumstances or by following improper finance management strategies. As a result, they finally end up as bankrupt. One way of avoiding the problem of debts is to opt for an appropriate debt consolidation loan. (more…)
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