Title: Generational Wealth – Business & Investing Guide to Building an Empire 2011-2012 Edition
Author: LaFoy Orlando Thomas III
Category: Business and Investment Guides
Generational Wealth – Business & Investing Guide to Building an Empire is intended as a comprehensive business resource guide. Author LaFoy Orlando Thomas III, Esquire, includes information regarding economics, stock investing, real estate, bonds, accounting for investors, entrepreneurship, mortgages, mergers, acquisitions, marketing, and human resources. The contents are applicable to readers interested in investing, becoming entrepreneurs, or taking over an executive position within a company. This basic business and investment guide is designed to help anyone create a professional or financial empire.
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The book provides a detailed explanation of how an individual can become a real estate investor. Included are real-life examples, an explanation of various types of mortgages, and details regarding depreciation and 1031 exchange. Thomas also explains stocks, bonds, and other investments. Basics including stock classifications, stock options, and mutual funds are reviewed. An overview of the various types of business entities, components of a business plan, and how to establish and run a business successfully are covered in the final sections of this book.
Since the age of 14, the author has been studying finance and business. As an investor and entrepreneur himself, Thomas has experience in real estate, financial services, and management. He earned two undergraduate degrees in business with honors and a J.D. from the University of Arkansas School of Law. At the tender age of 20, he became a licensed financial advisor by passing his Series 7 exam with an impressive score of 91 percent. In addition to having an affinity for finance, Thomas enjoys politics, economics, and studying and practicing law.
The American investor, entrepreneur, and attorney LaFoy Orlando Thomas III, Esquire, wrote Generational Wealth – Business & Investing Guide to Building an Empire 2011-2012 Edition to help others find as much business and investing success as he has. This is considered one of the most comprehensive business texts available. Whether you are an aspiring investor, executive, or entrepreneur you will find the information essential to success. Though a huge amount of information is packed into the 182 pages, it is very easy to read and understand.
No business or investment-related subject is left unmentioned. Economics, bond and stock investing, real estate including mortgages are all covered. Additional subjects include accounting for investors, entrepreneurship, acquisitions, mergers, human resources, and marketing. Thomas includes his philosophy regarding investing which is that real estate holdings should be a large component of the financial portfolio, complement by stock investment for growth and liquidity.
Using this book as a guide, even a novice should be successful at business or investing. Even if the reader does not feel that real estate investing is the way to go, getting an alternative point of view will prove enlightening. So much additional useful information is included in the pages that readers will have plenty of guidance in all areas related to investing and establishing and running a business.
I actually just flipped through this book at my local Banres and Noble the other day. Looked decent but decided not to buy it, although after reading this review it may be something I pick up in the future.
It’s nice to see another blog doing book reviews. I didn’t realize until I really started looking around the whole personal finance blogosphere that I was one of the few doing them. In fact, my blog has an official “library” of titles that I’m getting around to reviewing.
Gotta throw this out there: All-time favorite book——Atlas Shrugged.
Generational wealth is a real worthy goal…
So few achieve because they think they cant…
So start small and save…, there is massive power in the “power of small amounts”