Sure, it’s not super scientific as some posts were around longer than others, some posts were linked in carnivals, and a blog’s popularity changes over time, but according to post views, and for what it’s worth, these were my 5 most popular posts this year:
5. Affluent Baby Boomers Ready To Retire With No Retirement Plan – Almost half of affluent baby boomers have never discussed their needs for retirement with a financial advisor.
4. Spending Money: Needs vs. Wants – The first step to breaking free from the materialism trap is to understand the difference between “need” and “want.”
3. Women Millionaire Decision-Makers – While relatively small in number, wealthy women who are the primary financial decision-maker in their household have some distinctive attitudes towards investing, retirement, and their lifestyle that sets them apart from their male decision-maker counterparts.
2. Loss Harvesting – For many investors, loss harvesting is the single most important area for reducing taxes now and in the future.
and the most popular post of 2006 was ….
1. Spend Your Money on Doing Things Rather Than Owning Things – When dealing with personal finance, it is important to remind yourself from time to time that our most valuable assets are things that cannot be bought.