November 2021 Net Worth

Every month I post my updated net worth for those that are interested in following my progress. I have been tracking my net worth online since January 2006. I enjoy compiling the numbers each month, and doing so keeps me motivated, focused, and accountable.

This month’s numbers…

An unimpressive last push to finish the year $1.5M. Unless there is a strong Santa rally, it’s looking like we will finish the year just a bit short of that goal.

Crytpo markets have stalled and it doesn’t look like we will see the big end of the year rally that many were calling for. We’ll see if it comes in 2022.

On the mostly positive side, housing prices just continue to rise and as much as I add to our equity value for our home and rental properties each month, I have been too conservative and haven’t kept up with their true market value, so expect another upward calibration soon.

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