When it comes to insurance, like everything else, people are looking for ways to save money. This process can start with a discussion with your agent. In some cases, you may not be aware of all the discounts and other savings you may qualify for. Savings can be based on such things as your driving record, the type of car you drive, your age, and other factors.
This article offers solid advice on some speeding apps that can save you money (directly or indirectly) on your car insurance rates. But before exploring that information, it will be beneficial to discuss some basics about general tips on ways to save money on car insurance.
Ways to Save
Discounts may be applied to you and/or family members who are students and have good grades, college students who live a certain distance away from home, students who have completed a driver’s education course, members of certain organizations, and for those who combine various types of insurances.
In addition, many insurance companies offer discounts for safety features. This can include such things as airbags, automatic seat belts, and security systems.
Before Buying a Car
Always keep in mind that car insurance is based on several factors, including your age, driving history, credit report, and important characteristics about your car. This includes things such as how likely it is to get stolen and the safety features it’s equipped with.
Therefore, when car shopping, car insurance should never be far from your mind. New and newer cars will cost you more in insurance than older cars of the same make and model. One way to save money on your premiums is to raise your deductible. Also, keep in mind that there is usually some extra coverage that can be opted out of.
Insurance companies consider people with good credit scores as credible and safer drivers. With that, these people are likely to get better rates. Taking care of your credit score is definitely a good idea for many reasons. You can find several places online to check your credit score. If something is there that is incorrect, it is important to follow up and have it removed.
Driving to Save Money on Insurance
Car insurance keeps you legal and it gives you protection. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing you are protected as needed. In other words, if you cause an accident, you know that depending on your particular insurance limitations, a certain amount of cash will be paid for damages. You may also have add-on benefits such as discounts on repairs and/or towing services.
All of these things can offer a certain level of serenity – because, after all, you are paying for that protection. The problem is, at least in some cases, the cost of that serenity can be very expensive. That’s why most people are looking for ways to save. And one of the best and easiest ways to save on insurance costs is to drive safely.
A clean driving record can make a huge difference in the rates you will be charged. Moving violation tickets must be disclosed on a car insurance application. Insurance companies can validate the information you provide with the state’s motor vehicle department. If someone lies on their application and is later caught, they will be re-billed upon discovery.
About Speeding Tickets
Car companies frown on speeding tickets. To them, this signals disrespect for safety when driving. It means you are more likely to get involved in an accident. That of course means that speeding tickets can have a tremendous impact on the premium rates you will pay.
Most states have a rating system for speeding tickets. That is, the points added to your driving record depend on how many mph (miles per hour) over the posted speed limit were recorded at the time you received the ticket.
For example, if you are driving 5 or 10 mph over the legal speed, a total of one to three points may be added, but if you get caught driving 20 or 30 mph over the speed limit, you might get as many as eight points added. The stiffness of the penalty relates to how much over the legal speed you are driving.
The Impact of a Speeding Ticket
A long-term driver with a safe record may not see much of an impact from a single speeding ticket. However, a younger driver or someone with other tickets may have to pay a huge increase in premiums. It can depend on specific situations and on the insurance company you are with.
Different states have different standards and regulations regarding driving speeds. For instance, some states’ maximum speed is 75 mph, and in other states the maximum speed is 70 mph.
Also, some states may keep speeding ticket penalties on a driver’s record for 12 months, and others maintain them for up to 36 months. In some instances, even though the points have been removed, insurers may still have access to the fact that you received the ticket.
Speeding Apps that Help You Save on Insurance
Obviously, avoiding speeding tickets is definitely a great way to save money on the cost of automobile insurance. Believe it or not, the following apps can help you save money on your car insurance.
• DriveWise:
This device is designed for the purpose of rewarding safe Allstate drivers with savings. The DriveWise app plugs in under the dashboard; as you drive safely, the app collects driving data. This information, as well as your savings, can be tracked online.
Drivers get a 10% discount just for signing up, and they can earn up to a 30% savings. The gadget monitors for safe speeds, low mileage, safe hours, and safe stops.
• Speedometer Speed Box:
This nifty app can serve dual purposes. The Speedometer Speed Box is designed to act as a compass as well as an altimeter. In addition, the tool can be used to check the accuracy of a speedometer. This means it can prevent you from speeding if your speedometer is not accurate.
Speed data can be calculated and averaged. This can be an advantage in various ways. For example, in some instances you can calculate the speed and other measurements ahead of time to help avoid those ‘almost’ speeding tickets.
• Trapster:
This device replaces the old driver’s tip of flashing headlights to warn others of speed traps and other potential traffic problems. Trapster is a free download that can help alert you to speed traps. In this way, because you are warned ahead of time, you are able to avoid the traps, and therefore, you can avoid speeding tickets and save money on your insurance.
Final Thoughts
There are lots of ways to save money on automobile insurance. The best tips begin with buying a car that will not require expensive insurance and in working to keep your premiums low. This includes adding safety features to your car and driving safely.
In addition, it is important to do whatever you can to avoid moving violations. Speeding tickets can quickly raise the cost of your insurance premiums. The apps described in this article can be helpful in avoiding tickets.
Even so, the best defense against the high costs of vehicle insurance is to simply drive according to the posted speed limits.
Debbie Allen is a professional content writer and blogger. She enjoys sharing articles on a variety of topics, including car insurance and other issues related to lifestyle and home and garden concerns.