Setting yourself up for a rosy financial future is not always the first thing one someone under the age of 30 thinks about, but it should be. What you do in your younger years can not only set you on a path to financial security, it will give you the financial discipline you need in order to succeed.
Know What Your Goals Are
Think about where you want to be financially in the short term such as five years from now. Do you want to have the money to buy a home, a car or finance a wedding? Id...
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financial goals
Financial Goals for 2008
Net Worth: $105,000
We put a fair amount of thought into our net worth goal for 2008. $105,000 represents a significant challenge, but one we think we can reach. We will have to average a gain of about $600/month more than we did in 2007. There are a few reasons we think this will be possible: One, near the end of 2007 I got a new job which came with a healthy raise; Two, we don't have any debt (other than the mortage). We started the 2007 still owing on my wife's car. With that now out...
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