Preparing for the future is more important than ever as you can no longer rely on the money you will receive from Social Security when you turn 65. Most people put the future in the back of their mind and live simply for today. If they don’t have the money to purchase some coveted item, they simply put it on their credit card without thought to the consequences.
A savings plan in the not too distant past was something most families were proud to have and often budgeted money each week to depo...
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Saving Money
If Savers Are Losers…. We’re Winning.
The latest report of the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that in August, just as it was in July, the personal savings rate in this country dipped below zero. That's worse than simply not saving. It means that, on average, we're spending more than we are earning. Personal saving was a negative $61.8 billion in August, compared with a negative $100.9 billion in July. Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income was a negative 0.7 percent in August, compared with a negative 1.1 ...
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