In order to survive university with all your finances in tact, you need to take control (and more importantly stay in control) of your money. Far too many students are completely unaware of their financial situation at any given time, in fact according to recent figures 1 in 3 students don’t know how much money they have at any given time. To the frugal among us, this begs the question - how on earth do they know how much they are able to spend? The simple answer is they don’t and here in lies t...
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student loans
Student Loans Consolidation
Getting into college can really become strenuous especially when you are faced with the financial dilemma. The student loans are granted to those who apply and qualify. The term extends up to such time that the borrower finishes school, earns the degree, and finds a job to be able to sustain the payments required to settle the loan. While still at school and studying, there is no further worry to think about since the payback time is still years away. However, as soon as you step off the stage r...
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